Jupiter Instructions

All AGL students have their own Jupiter Grades account that provides online access to view a snapshot of their grades at any time.  Every student account has two parent accounts. Parents have their own passwords to their accounts. Jupiter Grades sets a temporary password and when a parent logs in for the first time, it will prompt them to change their password. If you have questions about Jupiter Grades please email the Assistant Principal at jdagostino@uaagl.org or reply to a previous sent text message from Ms. Woods on Kinvovled. 


 Jupiter Log In information 

How to log-in to Jupiter Grades:

  1. Go to the website: jupitergrades.com
  2. Click “Parent”
  3. Enter the following information:

Student Name or ID: Enter First and Last Name (i.e Kimberly Nunez)

Password: Enter Temp Password (i.e. b5y4)

School Name: Enter “The Urban Assembly Academy of Government and Law” (must be the full name)

City: Enter “New York”

State: Enter “New York”

  1. Click log in


 Jupiter Log in Information 

5. Change your password: To change your password, enter a new password twice in the boxes on the top left corner and click “Save Password”

 Jupiter Log in information